John Corbett Way, Stoke Prior
John Corbett Way, Stoke Prior
John Corbett Way, Stoke Prior


HeritageJohn Corbett Way, Stoke Prior

John Corbett Way, Stoke Prior

Situated alongside the Worcester canal the development at John Corbett Way had local and historical significance as it included the refurbishment of the former Redgrove School, which was originally built in 1872 by John Corbett.

John Corbett was the 'Salt King' and the owner of the local salt works, who built the school for his employees' children. The redevelopment of the school into 11 affordable dwellings for local people ensures that John Corbett's legacy lives on in Stoke Prior.

The development also consisted of 8 new build two and three bedroom homes built to Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3 standards as well as several ecological enhancements including bat roosts, bird boxes and wild flower meadows.