OfficesOffice Development on behalf of SES
Office Development on behalf of SES
Sustainable Enterprise Strategy (SES) are a social enterprise company for whom we were engaged to provide Quantity Surveying services on their new three storey Head Office development at Hendon, Sunderland.
Other Offices Projects
- Ironwood Works at 73 Great Eastern Street, Shoreditch, London
- Office Development on behalf of SES
- Pearl Office Fit Out, Newcastle upon Tyne on behalf of Hermes
- Trinity Gardens
- Office Fit Out, Birmingham
- Manchester - Fitting Out of New Offices
- Glasgow - Fitting Out of New Offices
- Administration Office, UK Oil Refinery
- Baker Street, London - Catagory B Office Fit Out
- Refurbishment of Office Building in Dublin
- Philips Electronics
- Milton Keynes - Fitting Out of New Offices
- Dorset County Council Offices, Library and Adult Education Centre
The scheme was unique to the North East in that the design comprised a new office building using recycled shipping containers as the main form of construction to provide an innovative pre-fabricated modular system. The proposed scheme provided various sized office space that were designed to be let out to small enterprise businesses as well as providing more office space for the Client.
The scheme involved a significant off-site fabrication period in relation to the alteration and carving up of the recycled shipping containers.
As the project was part funded by the European Regional Development Agency (ONE), the scheme had to be tendered using the EU restricted procedures process and ONE procurement guidelines. Thornton-Firkin were subsequently engaged by the Client, SES, to develop the necessary documentation to adhere to this process including the Contract Notice, PQQ, ITT documentation and notification letters.
Value: £1,250,000
Procurement Route: Single stage JCT Design and Build with Contractors Design